Tax & Bookkeeping Hacks for Entrepreneurs

Yep, you can write that off! We’re here to help you maximize your profits, minimize your tax liability, and tap into the right tax deductions for your small business. 

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quarterly taxes

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is one of the most significant tax credits available to taxpayers. However, it is also one of the most complicated tax credits. With January 26th marking national EITC Awareness Day, it’s a great time to remind the many workers who may be missing out on this valuable tax credit. […]

Tax Deductions

Earned Income Tax Credit

With another quarterly estimated tax payment right around the corner (remember, these federal payments are due April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and January 15th) you may be wondering what all this talk about estimated taxes is even about. Do you have to pay them? What are they? How do you pay them? Let’s dive […]

Quarterly Estimated Taxes

Estimated Taxes

As a business owner you wear A LOT of hats. Operations, marketing, business development, and the list goes on. With all that hard work, I’m sure one of your goals is to earn a healthy profit. Which is awesome!! There’s just one small problem… when you earn a profit, you also earn the fun requirement […]

Tax Deductions

10 Crucial Tax Write-Offs

As we approach the holiday season, you may be thinking about sending gifts to some of your clients. Or maybe you would like to thank your employees and contractors with a little year-end gift. As a business owner and leader this is a great way to build lasting relationships and team morale! So let’s walk […]

Tax Deductions

Are Gifts a Write-off?

The Tax Cuts and Job Act, which was signed into law back in December 2017, has many incentives for small business owners. One of the big advantages includes increased depreciation benefits. Keep reading to learn about the 3 key depreciation perks you need to know about. 1. Bonus Depreciation Tax reform increased bonus depreciation from […]

Tax Deductions, Tax Reform

3 Depreciation Perks

Did you know that approximately 93% of small business owners overpaid on their taxes over the past 12 years, based on a survey conducted for Forbes a few years ago? 93%!! Being a small business owner, freelancer, or independent contractor is hard enough – but it’s even harder and more expensive when you’re paying more […]

Tax Deductions

Top 6 Tax Deductions

Sales tax can be…. tricky. If you have a brick and mortar store it’s pretty simple. You generally charge sales tax on all of the products you sell and then remit that sales tax to your state each month or quarter. Easy. But what about if you have an online store and sell to customers […]

Business Tips

Online Sellers & Sales Tax

Historically many people have claimed the child tax credit to help offset the rising cost of raising children (did you know that on average, kids cost approximately $300,000 from birth to age 17?!). There have been a lot of changes to the child tax credit over the past few years; it first changed during Tax […]

Tax Deductions, Tax Reform

The Child Tax Credit

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